
이름없는 과학의 영웅들 Unsung Heroes of Science

작성자 : 중앙관리자

입력일 : 2024-09-16 23:19:18
수정일 : 2024-09-17 22:43:36

유튜브 dsm-firmenich

커뮤니티 출처 유튜브 dsm-firmenich
출처 링크주소 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfuc91MZchU
조회수/댓글수 142만
구체적인 이슈 소개

이 소수의 과학자들은 과학이 세상을 더 좋게 변화시킬 수 있다는 것을 증명하고 있습니다.

그들의 헌신 덕분에 해로운 메탄가스를 생분해성 플라스틱으로 바꾸고 장애인들이 다시 걸을 수 있게 되었습니다.

과학계의 이름없는 영웅들을 만나보세요.


These scientists are proving that science can change the world for the better: #brightscience A handful of inspirational people - that you’ve probably never heard of - are proving that science doesn’t just change the game. It can change the world for the better. They have devoted their time and energy to solve challenges such as Malaria outbreaks in Tanzania or how to provide food for 9 billion people in 2050. Thanks to their commitment it is possible to turn harmful methane gas into biodegradable plastics and for disabled people to walk again . Meet our unsung heroes of science. DSM reserves the right to remove comments that contain personal insults, obscenity, or that are otherwise inappropriate.



링크 바로가기
주요 반응/네티즌 댓글 It was a true honor to be part of this. Thanks for creating the film and highlighting the work and dreams small teams of engineers/scientists/entrepreneurs have to leave this world a better place. #brightscience

So inspiring. I'm proud of having dedicated my life to science and I'm proud of every man and woman out there working hard for the sake of humanity and knowledge. These are the true heroes.

What a beautiful and inspiring video!
And I fully agree, also with science we can change the world ....... and most importantly people in general can change the world.
Thank you @DSM for again a step towards a brighter world!!
키워드 #brightscience #이름없는영웅들 #UnsungHeroes
E-Mail together7500@naver.com
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